Once an artist

Once an artist thumbnail

team cake

Dean used to be a professional artist, until the day his father became ill 6 years ago. He gave up his career and took care of his father, but had lost the taste and joy for art. Upon a visit to his mother whom he used to live with, his drawings started to speak to him... Production time: 3 days from 12/30/12-1/1/13 By Team C.A.K.E

Jan 09, 2013 • All ages

Visual Novel

Release 1.0

Release Date: Jan 09, 2013
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Engine: Ren'Py 6.14


rainbowNormal.png (255.6 kB) - Rainbow

350x263xgumSmirk.png (66.7 kB) - screen shot 4

350x263xstorybg1.jpg (30.8 kB) - screen shot 3

350x263xbgrainbow.png (190.3 kB) - screen shot 2

350x263xframe01.png (76.5 kB) - screen shot 1

700x335xTitle-artistbanner.jpg (67.3 kB) - title banner


Once an artist screenshot 1
Once an artist screenshot 2
Once an artist screenshot 3
Once an artist screenshot 4

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