Fading Hearts

Fading Hearts thumbnail

Sakura River Interactive

Multiple end-game climaxes and endings! What will be the final conflict? Take control of your story or be swept away by it unlike ever before! An interactive story/game where you play the role of Ryou, a seemingly normal high school student in the land of Sorayama. Solve the mysteries that surround him while maintaining his friendships and saving Claire. Remain ignorant of the secrets and live a normal life or choose to learn the truth. Be careful where you put your priorities for it may prove fatal.

Nov 25, 2009 • 67,000 words • Ages 13+

Mystery Commercial Role-Playing Game Simulation

Release 2.0

Release Date: Nov 25, 2009
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Engine: Ren'Py 6.10.2


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Fading Hearts screenshot 4

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