This game is not yet approved.

Kim is a girl [en] / Kim est une fille [fr]


English Synopsis Our hero, a non-binary person, gets lost in their dark rumination, following the revelation that their girlfriend, Kim, no longer wishes to use "They/Them" pronouns and instead decided to fully go by "She", and to fully assume herself as a woman. French Synopsis Notre héros, un individu non-binaire, plonge dans des pensées sombres suite à l'annonce que sa petite amie, Kim, arrête d'utiliser le pronom "il" pour maintenant utiliser "elle", et ainsi décide de s'assumer en tant que femme.

Nov 26, 2020 • 2 minutes • 1,200 words • Ages 13+

Visual Novel Kinetic Novel

Release 1.0

This release is not yet approved.

Release Date: Nov 26, 2020
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Engine: Ren'Py

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