This game may not be suitable for people under 18 years of age.
This game is not yet approved.

Sin City


This visual novel is based on a boy who shifts to a new city where his father went missing 3 years ago. This city which is actually named as 'Sunburn City' have something unusual going on. The city and the people there themselves are having problems which main character don't even thought of...Would the main character, able to find his father??? The main character interacts with many other characters in the city to find his father as well as to live his living. You can play this visual novel as the main character and help him through his journey by making the right decisions.

Jan 01, 2020 • 2,000 words • Ages 18+

Visual Novel Tactics Boy pursues Girl Girl pursues Boy Girl pursues Girl Mystery

Release 0.6b

This release is not yet approved.

Release Date: Jan 01, 2020
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Other
Engine: Ren'Py

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